Introduction to Web Design Post 1

My name is Tyler Parks, and I’m a student pursuing a degree and communications. While the skills I’ll learn in this course will most definitely be useful, I’m wanting to pursue a career in cinema. Though blogs could be useful as a potential medium for expanding on either the process of film making for others, or could even be used as a medium for storytelling in of itself.

There are two major purposes for my blog. The first, and least exciting one, is to do posts related to my web design class. The far more interesting one for me, is to make film reviews. These reviews aren’t going to be on a specific genre or even on new releases (Not that any of us will be seeing a whole lot of those anyway) but just on whatever I film I feel like talking about. One week I could do a review on an historical war drama, an then the next I could do a review of a Scooby-Doo movie for Halloween.

I didn’t have much experience with blogs, either writing or reading them, before I took this course. A big inspiration for my presentation for my film review blog was Jason’s Movie Blog, it’s structured in a way that I feel best works for what I have to do on a regular basis. Though unlike that blog, I’ll be avoiding a rating system, just because I feel it’s difficult to equate a film’s quality to a numerical number (and the fact that it’s all based on my opinion anyway). And a resource that was a big help in getting me to be as concise as possible with writing these blogs was The 12 Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Blog from Writer’s Digest.

These “Guidelines” I feel will be a big help in ensuring that my posts will be reasonably readable and interesting. They’ll help me with little things like, not making a paragraph go on for too long and other such things. And I’ll ensure I can keep my audiences attention by making sure to interject plenty of wit and personality, along with insightful observations of the film I’m covering. And of course I’m going to try to be as chipper and easy going as possible, even if as I’m typing it all up I might look a little something like this:

young troubled woman using laptop at home

Don’t touch that dial, more is to come!

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