
A Quick Lesson On: Mysteries Part 2

The message is written in the made-up Matoran language created for the Bionicle toyline. it translates to: “My Bionicle fans, where you at?” That’s not the important part, the important part is (ideally) you were curious about what it said. Humans naturally want to understand things that they don’t understand. And that’s exactly what ARG’s…

Pulp Fiction: This is a Tasty Flick!

Pulp Fiction was released on October 14, 1994, directed by Quentin Tarantino and written by Tarantino and Roger Avary. The film is an anthology of stories involving two hitmen, a boxer, a gangster’s wife, and a pair of bandits in the city of angels. These segments coalesce to create one of the most unique and…

Getting Social and Going Live Blog Post

So, you want to learn the secrets to going viral, huh? Well, right off the bat I should tell you that nothing can really ensure that post you wrote, or that crazy video you shot will get millions of likes and re-posts. We can’t all be as lucky as Jalaiah Harmon, a 14-year-old girl who…

Hubie Halloween: All Trick, No Treat

Hubie Halloween was released to Netflix on October 7, 2020, directed by Steven Brill and written by Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler. Hubie Dubois (played by Sandler) is a well meaning and easily frightened “Community volunteer” devoted to his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts. But on the night of Halloween, Hubie finds himself as the sole…

CSS Blog Post

Now, for the uninitiated, CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and like it’s “cousin” HTML is a web programming language. Specifically, CSS specifies a document’s style, which means things like page layouts, colors, and fonts. While it might not be as major of a component to web design as HTML, it definitely has its uses…

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island: It’s Terror Time Again

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island was released to home video on September 22, 1998. Directed by Jim Stenstrum and written by Glenn Leopold based on a story pitched by Leopold and Davis Doi, and loosely based on one of Leopold’s unproduced scripts for the show SWAT Kats. I’m not kidding, look it up. The film stars…

Images, Audio, and Video Blog Post

I’m not going to kid around, copyright infringement is no joke. If you use something without permission you can get into some serious legal trouble. And besides that, making sure any images and videos you can use look proper on your pages can sometimes be a hassle. That is why this post is all about…

The Shining: Quietly Going Insane Together

The Shining was released on June 13, 1980, Directed by Stanley Kubrick and written by Kubrick and Diane Johnson based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Jack Torrance is hired to be the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel during the winter. As he and his family spend more and more time…

Accessibility Blog Post

People suffering from disabilities surf the web just as much as anyone else. And with us being on the web now more than ever, it’s vitally important to ensure that everyone can effectively and reliably get all the information they need or perform tasks. And the website I’m working on as part of my final…


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